edupreneur series

Video Confidence Blueprint

Video is the most effective way to communicate with your potential clients online! This course will help you to get started with creating video content just on your mobile phone!
What you are going to learn

Your words aren't enough. People want to see you.

Remember one effective piece of video content essentially serves as a talking salesperson for your business and personal brand that works for you 24/7.  

My goal is to provide you with the essential skills and confidence to present yourself in front of a camera every time!
After the Video Confidence course you will have the power to:

  • Overcome the fear of being in front of the camera
  • Build higher engagement with your community
  • Save time creating new content
  • Display your brand’s human side
  • Receive immediate feedback from your clients

Course Lessons

Yana Martens

Video confidence coach


Yana's expertise is based on an understanding of self-image and human behaviour from a degree in psychology, combined with years in front and behind the camera, as a model and photographer.

She helps people to elevate their personal brand by increasing self-awareness, encouraging them to get out of the comfort zone and face their fears of being seen and judged. With over 14 years’ experience in front of the camera she knows exactly how it feels and how to address all negative thinking that might arise.
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