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Promote Your Program

Get your course in front of the right people and increase sales with an effective marketing plan.

You don't want to launch your course to no one...

Let's say you have this amazing online course that you designed. You’ve spent weeks researching your target market, unpacking your intellectual property, and designing the experience. But before you go down the lengthy taks of recording videos, writing worksheets and checklists, setting everything up on a beautiful online platform, etc you want to make sure people are interested and willing to sign up.

You want to make sales and get a return on all the hard work you have done so far.

The reality is that you need to put just as much, if not more, effort into marketing your course as you did when you created it. 

  • Online course creators who are successful at marketing their programs all have the following in common:  
  • An email list of people interested in their topic.
  • An ecosystem of enticing content that converts prospects to paying students  
  • Automated emails to build relationships with those prospects 
  • A high converting course sales page 
  • A series of emails that motivates subscribers to buy their course  

But how do all those different elements work together?  That's what we cover in Promote Your Program.
What you are going to learn

A few more words about this course

A successful online course gives you the ability to impact the lives of people around the world. Rather than working one-on-one and trading your time for money, you can increase your income and help more people at the same time. However, creating your course is just one part of the equation. The way you market it will make the difference between a course that impacts thousands and one that sits silently online, hidden from the very people it could help.

For this course, you should already have put in the time and energy to design your learning experiences. You've defined your target audience, identified the pain killer solution and created the blueprint for your program. Now you just need to get it in front of the right people to make sure people will pay for it.
Throughout this course you will discover how to:

  • Set your goals and price your package to achieve the targets you have set
  • Create an ecosystem of experiences content that shows the value you and your course offer, so that the right people are excited to enrol
  • Present your offer a high-converting sales page that’s attractive and informative, so that you can generate more leads and sales
  • Attract leads and educate and inform prospective customers, so that buying your course is a no-brainer
  • Review and refine your learning and plan future action steps, so that you can achieve the goals you set.
Meet the instructor

Matthew Mason

Matthew is the founder and Chief Learning Architect of Mavenzeal, a digital learning agency that helps coaches, consultants and authors to scale their business by leveraging their expertise through digital learning assets and programs.

Matthew is a multi-award winning learning designer, including being recognised as the 2014 Australian Learning Impact Awards ‘Learning and Development Professional of the Year’. Matthew has also been recognised as a Certified Learning Professional (CLP) and a Certified Online Learning Facilitator (COLF).

He has delivered keynotes, training workshops and panel discussions across Australia, in Singapore and the United Kingdom.
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